Xiaofeng Guo
I am a PhD student in Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), advised by Prof. Guanya Shi and Prof. Sebastian Scherer . I also collaborated with Prof. Wenzhen Yuan .
I received my bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering at Tsinghua university in 2020.
My research focuses on grasping and manipulation, tactile sensing, reinforcement learning and control.
Feel free to reach out for collaboration and discussion of research ideas.
Email: xguo2@andrew.cmu.edu / xiaofengguo_cmu@163.com
Google Scholar
MQA: Answering the Question via Robotic Manipulation
Yuhong Deng, Di Guo, Xiaofeng Guo, Naifu Zhang, Huaping Liu, and Fuchun Sun
Robotics: Science and System (RSS 2021)
Code and Dataset
Soft foot sensor design and terrain classification for dynamic legged locomotion
Xiaofeng Guo, Xiaofeng Guo, Bryan Blaise, Jennifer Molnar, Jeremiah Coholich, Shantanu Padte, Ye Zhao, and Frank L Hammond
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft 2020)
DSCL Hand: A Novel Underactuated Robot Hand of Linearly Parallel Pinch and Self-adaptive Grasp with Double-Slider Co-circular Linkage Mechanisms
Xiaofeng Guo, Mo An, Chao Luo, and Wenzheng Zhang
International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA 2018)
Award, The Second Prize in the Capital Challenge Cup Students Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Contest, Beijing, China.2019
Award, The First Prize in the 37th Tsinghua Challenge Cup Students Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Contest, Tsinghua University.2018
Scholarship, Academic Performance Scholarship, Tsinghua University.2018
Award, The First Prize in the 20th National Robot and Artificial Intelligence Competition.2018
Award, The Third Prize in the 36th Tsinghua Challenge Cup Students Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Contest, Tsinghua University.2018
Award, The Second Place in the Technical Challenge Competition on World Robot Conference, Beijing, China.2018
Award, The Third Prize in the 13th ASME Student Mechanism and Robot Design Competition.2017
Scholarship, Technological Innovation Scholarship, Tsinghua University.2017
Award, The Third Prize in 34th National Physics Competition for College Students.2017
Award, The Third Place in the Technical Challenge Competition on World Robot Conference, Beijing, China.